Thanks for taking the time to look over our products. Right now our line is very limited but we will be constantly adding to it over the next while. In the meantime feel free to make any suggestions!
To review the actual items roll your mouse over the PRODUCTS OVERVIEW in the toolbar above and the individual products will scroll down.


Our waterslide decals are premium quality and are generally used on our builds. We also produce some of them in 1/35 scale. For best results we recommend an acrylic floor polish first, followed by the use of Tamiya Mark fit strong followed by a final acrylic coat before weathering and final matt clear coat.

Sherman Firefly Kit

Just a few of these left and when they are gone, they are gone!

Scale Figures

We are now offering figures unpainted and exclusive to DGS Military Hobby. you can find your TC here!
I have also included a gallery of some finished figures I, or one of my freinds have done just to show .We like to do unique figures with a story...

Stowage Kits
We now have the U.S. Stowage kit to go along with our outstanding Commonwealth kit. both feature our famous scrim net along with some very exclusive pieces to add that final detail to your 1/16 tank! for the U.S. stowage kit they also include the specific ammunition crates for your Sherman. Choose from 75mm, 76mm, 105mm ...

Sherman Ammunition Crates

As mentioned above, you have your choice of ammunition crates included free with the U.S. Stowage Kit or you can purchase on their own.

Sherman 3pc. Transmission Cover

For those of you that want to do 75mm or other early Shermans that have the 3 pc. transmission covers...


From a basic rebuild and/or paint job to super detailing and full conversions. We are open to anything you need for your field of battle. If we can't do it we know someone who can! Time Frames can run from a couple of weeks to months depending on the complexity of the rebuild.
Our basic HL rebuild consists of a minimum :
*gutting the interior battery box on HL models
*relocation of switches
*installation of Clark board electronics
*upgraded speaker and speaker box
* full servo recoil installed
*upgraded battery
*proper IR emitter either in turret or hammerhead.