Pour distributors and dealers!


Thanks for taking the time to look over our website. In order to save our customers shipping costs we are in the process of setting up Dealers and Distributors hopefully around the world! Right now our line and distributors are very limited but we will be constantly adding to it over the next while. Below you will find companies and organizations who have generously made the decision to support us and carry our product. There will be many more added in the coming months!
If you are interested in becoming a dealer or distributor please feel free to contact us and we will be happy to discuss our program with you.


One of the best names in R/C 1/16th tanks in Britian. Dave's ebay store is well known for pieces and parts. If you are in the U.K. Dave is your man! You can go to his website:
Our home club! Please go to www.canamtankclub.com and click the store to see our products for local service in Eastern Canada

Can-am - dealer

OZ Armour Distributor

Mark at OZARMOUR is the latest distributor to join out team. Checkl out his website:

DAK R/C Tanks

Greetings Everyone!
I am happy to announce that DAK R/C Tanks ( https://dakrctank.com ) is our newest distributor of DGS MIlitary Hobby products for the U.S.A.!
Kenny does an excellent job as the Clark distributor and I look forward to helping him expand his line to include many more accessories, figures, decals, and kits that we supply!
check out the updates on his website https://dakrctank.com
Thanks for looking!
DGS Military Hobby